What is self-mastery? Simply put, it is being able to control one's self. To exhibit the "fruits of the spirit" in one's life. Being able to control one's body and mind so as to be able to go where one wants and do what one wants. It is a simple thing. Why can't we control our own body and mind? Why can't someone wishing to stop smoking unable to do so? Why can't some people stay on diets? Why can't people simply make themselves do the things they want to do? Pause and think for a moment or two on this. It is quite appalling. We, humans, can't control ourselves. But, lets look at this closely. When we say "being able to control one's body and mind," who are we talking about? Who is doing the controlling? Who is the self and what is it trying to master? This is an important question. Who are YOU that wants to be master? You must have a good idea of who you are, your "self", before you can have self-mastery. So who are you? This basic knowledge is crucial to self-mastery and eternal life, as we shall see. This is self-awareness, the foundation of the soul, and is the beginning of everything.
So who are you? Who wants who to stop smoking? Who can't stop who from eating too much? We all have a body that needs to be controlled but sometimes it doesn't respond to our commands. If you want to stop your car, you step on the brake pedal and you come to a stop. Why can't we do that with our bodies? Once we decide upon a course of action, why can't we stick to it?
We like to change our minds. It is our right, an expression of freedom, and we do it often. But in many things we don't change our minds. Our loyalties, our principles and our values change slowly. Activities revolving around those traits are the ones that we stick to for the longest duration. Activity spurred on by the soul are based on eternal values, they last. Activity desired by the body provide for immediate needs and are often transitory in nature. Activity thought up by the mind can be logical and intellectually appealing but without attachment to long lasting values will fade. That is why programs that work to control substance abuse have spiritual overtones. So we can control ourselves, as long as we have a good enough reason to. What constitutes good reason? It all depends on who you are. Who you are determines not only how you master yourself, but also your bid for eternal life. WHO are you? Taken as a whole, we are an aggregate of body, mind and soul/spirit. The Urantia Book describes this matrix as the Personality. But, the mind of our personality is the thinking arena in which we make our decisions, how we think and what we think determines in large part who and what we are. We cannot see or touch our mind like we can our body. But the mind determines what it wants to identify with, how it sees itself. How do you see yourself? Does your mind see yourself as itself, your mind? Or does it identify more with your body? Or your soul?