Spiritual Conquest of Matter

the world and we have our inner face, how we see ourselves, who we are within. When the divergence between the inner and outer is too great, there is no peace of mind and the tension could make life difficult. As we grow more confident of our inner perception of who we are, we can use the true image of ourselves more often to interface with the world, and we can begin to gain more control of ourselves and our lives, rather than be manipulated by the external pressures of society.
I think the evolution of the soul is quite evident when we make that transition from showing the world our false front to slowly changing our mask and even dropping the mask so that our face on the outside resembles more the face on the inside. An example is a singer who sings and reveals the depths of the heart, and the soul becomes brilliantly evident. It is when we begin to show our real self to the world without fear or favor that the identity shift from mind to soul takes place. The singer may do this only when she's singing, and only when she is singing very well, but more and more, we can all do this in our lives if we move towards it. We will get there because there is an innate drive within us that  keeps us moving in that direction. It's as natural as a tree growing. But as the tree follows the light, so do we, the light from within.
The greatest obstacle to this is fear. Most people are afraid to show their true self. Fear comes from the body and mind, never from the soul and spirit. Biological fear is necessary for species survival but unreasoning fear stifles the spirit. The way to overcome fear is through positive reinforcement; fighting fear with fear doesn't work. Fear is illusion, illusion must be enlightened by reality: material, mindal and spiritual. There are various techniques that our souls have created for focusing on eternal reality which will be covered in the next part.

We know who we are intuitively. To know who we are  intellectually, we must also know what we are.

How we act in a given life situation depends on what we think, our thoughts. The concept of the Seven Adjutant Mind Spirits is important to understanding what we are.  Our thoughts are very much influenced by the Seven Adjutant Mind Spirits (7AMS) Or, instead of thinking of them as spirits, think of them as circuits. They are the circuits in which mental energies flow. 

The concept explains where we get the urges that cannot be attributed to  body or mind. For example, courage. It is not physically advantageous for the body to have courage. Courage can get you killed, which the body's biological instinct for survival tries to avoid. The mind's reasoning can tell us that courage is not a logical course of action to insure survival, and yet we manifest courage. Courage is illogical. Where does courage come from? Where does intuition come from? Understanding?

The Urantia Book says these urges have a spiritual source. If so, what does this mean? It gives us a basis for understanding what spirituality is. It's a concept that we can experiment with to see if it meshes with material reality, as daily relevance and application is the only real test of a given assumption. And the fruits of the spirit, the personal evidence.

It is not important to memorize what the 7 Adjutant Mind Spirits do. They are not something new that you must strive to attain. You have been using them all your life. Just read over the following information on them and get a "feel" for them, understand how they have helped you throughout your life.


