But the group's evolution as a whole is dependent on the individual's attainment of self-mastery. (That's you and I!) We evolve as units and as the aggregate. Individuals, however, can proceed at their own pace. It is entirely possible for an individual to identify with the entire universe and to have loyalty to the whole of creation regardless of their group's inclinations.
This is made possible by connecting to the spirit within, the divine fragment of the Creator with which we are all endowed. This contact is made possible because the soul initiates it, the mind consents to it and the spirit conducts it. Once the individual achieves such a contact, even for a second, a oneness with the universe ensues, and regular contact results in a peace that passes the understanding of most people.
This is when identity with the whole of the universe begins and faith/insight becomes a tremendous force when having to decide what is good for oneself as related to the whole. It is our journey, from self-aggrandizement to cosmic consciousness--through self-mastery!